[{ GUTS-FIST }] - VRC Power Fist Asset (Dual Wield Update!)
[GUTS-FIST is a power fist based on the one from Fallout 3/NV! ]
It comes with a guide,
SPP file for custom textures (warning, very hard to use),
Unitypackage for the fist, containing the prefab for it! V1.5 update is the DualFist option, install only one of these prefabs, they do not work togehter!
5 PREMADE skins! Simply drag on the material you want, and you're good to go! When making your own, look how the others are made to understand the blood VFX :D
- Enclave Issue
- Standard Issue (Based on what I could find about BEATCO the original inventors of the Power Fist)
- Raider Nissan Paint (don't worry about the name)
- Conqueror (Originally my personal one, but wanted to add it in)
- RAW Metal (SAME as standard issue, minus the decals and slightly different shading)
Hit particles for ParryDetect by: https://liindy.gumroad.com
- Heating/Fire effects?
- Lasers???
AND whatever you guys can suggest to me on twitter within a doable reality (@ASkullyCorpse)
> This asset is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. you cannot use it commercially (do not redistribute the files).
> By buying this, you're agreeing to not share the files to people who have not bought it!
> IT IS NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. The asset is a bit too particle heavy for quest use. (Also I don't make quest-friendly stuff, sorry :()
The GutsFist Prefab, it's SPP file and Unitypackage.